To all readers: The H1N1 Forum is now open as a platform for our exchange of ideas on various aspects of this H1N1 human swine influenza. You are free to create an account and log in to use this Forum before 9 August 2009. Afterwards, the forum will be restricted to HKSCCM members only. If you are not yet a member, please join us here. We enourage our members to use the forum to share our experience with each others for the benefits of our patients. Please click Read More to see the Rules of the Forum. 
Your postings on this forum will be directly available to HKSCCM members or anyone who has the right to gain access to this site. Although we will try our best to maintain security of access, please understand that security is only as good as what the present technology permits and the presence of intentional hackers. Messages will not be censored based on the opinions expressed, but will be promptly removed by the website administrator if it contains obscene and vulgar language or photos, personal attacks, data which allow the identification of individual patients or which may breach the Hong Kong Privacy Ordinance, or which may breach the Law of Hong Kong. If the situation is considered serious, the user may be blocked from further use of this site. The website administrator reserves the ultimate right to remove any posts or users without prior notice.